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Elocom 0.1% Cream 30 GM

Elocom 0.1% Cream 30 GM

Elocom 0.1% Cream 30 GM

30 GM

  • : 04192118
19.95 SAR
Ex Tax: 19.95 SAR
VAT Included
Tags: eczema , itchy , cream
PROPERTIES:Mometasone Furoate is a topical corticosteroid. It has anti-inflammatory, antipruritic and vasoconstrictive properties.INDICATIONS:Relief of the inflammatory and pruritic manifestation of corticosteroid responsive-dermatoses.You should have a valid medical prescription to get this medicine
Payment and delivery in Riyadh & Al Qassim:
Free delivery by Lemon captains. Cash on delivery or using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

Payment and delivery for other cities in Saudi Arabia:
Paid delivery is available all-over Saudi Arabia with a delivering fee of 35 riyals through SMSA. Payments are made online only using credit card (Visa / MasterCard / Mada).

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